she danced round and round...
from the fire
her face was all aglow...
she was dancing...
waiting for
loving caring intimate relationships are like
we are nourished by their warmth...
we are energized by their strength...
we grow in their light...
we find shelter and solace there...
they are our sanctuary...
born in the sign of the sun, i am a true leo-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do and want others to be-i am bold/assertive-i am not bashful-i expect no more of others than i am willing to do/give myself-am confident highly motivated and opinionated-also caring thoughtful giving loving-do not mind change even welcome it-am also independent/impulsive/spontaneous and energized-
and yes-i'm one of those who believes in instant chemistry karma charisma-love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-
i believe in the beauty of the moment-
the whisper of yesterday-
the hope of tomorrow-
the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-
the absolute and total beauty of love -
i believe we each have the light within us -
i believe in me - in loving -
i believe in sharing - in helping -
i believe in dreaming and in imagination -
in synchronicity and serendipity -
and in the power of belief -
while i am not sure i subscribe to the "till death do us part" perspective on relationships, i do subscribe to the "till love do us part" perspective-to monogomous "intimate" relationships-
on a more basic rather than philosophical level, my children are grown-i am FREQUENTLY mistaken as their sister rather than their mother, much to the disdain of my youngest daughter- [photos all october 2007]-
as a single parent, when my youngest child entered kindergarten, on my 32nd birthday i quit my job, burned my bra [literally and figuratively], pierced my ears, registered as an undergraduate for first time and became politically active [yes, demonstrations, etc]-next 4 yrs full-time student, employed full-time, also employed part-time, dean's list, only undergrad ever funded for nationwide research project and continued to raise my children alone-all simultaneously [great multi-tasking skills]-loved every moment-
relocated to delaware from louisiana a few years ago to be near two daughters who had been living here for some time-
really love family and friends get-togethers and especially those in my own home-love the whole "preparing for" thing [presentation is everything] and the end result of it all-
crazy about italian food and wine-love chocolate anything-the darker the better- extremely tactile and visually oriented-
love bright rich intense colors in most things but in my home prefer a dark earth toned zen/calm/balanced environment-for dressing [up or down] black w/sterling silver jewelry-
have painted all my life-oils and oil pastels on canvas-intrigued by gauguin chagall van gogh o'keeffe-now into modernist/minimalist larger pieces-dabble in photography [architectural elements and portraits]-used to do sculpture/pottery but not in a while-love the feel of wet clay between my fingers-and i keep a dream journal-
and YOU - i hope YOU will find part or all of these streamofconsciousness ramblings interesting enough to respond-
a friend of mine was recently going thru a crisis and i asked what i could do to help - he said "just keep being you"-that's all i'm looking for in YOU-that simple but all encompassing reciprocity of just BEING ourselves-
and -thank you curtis mayfield and brian hyland!
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