just in time for my birthday, the gods have favored me with their annual astronomical visual feast beginning late august 11 - the persides meteor shower - till dawn on august 12 - these celestial wanderers begin at a point in the constellation perseus - even though sister moon is in her waning gibbous phase about midnight, there should be plenty to see before and after moonrise - so, gather round and cast your eyes toward the heavens for the show of the evening!
The 2009 Perseid Meteor Shower
The persides were always my favorite sky show! When the kids were growing up, they always represented a last, get-away mini vacation, before we had to go back to school. I don't know what part of Maryland you live in, but if it's anywhere near the Chesapeake, you should find the darkest, most deserted beach you can find, and watch the show from there.
Enjoy the show my friend, and Happy Birthday.
oh, hello bob - thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a note - i'm actually in central delaware so i can run down to slaughter beach and catch a glimpse i hope - and yes, summer, as such, seems to be rapidly making its way into tomorrow already - i seem to have missed a lot of it [summer] somehow! in any event, so glad to hear from you - have a wonderful evening - jenean
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