we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - share our stories around the campfire - come along -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -

- A...WOMAN IN MOTION WITH HAIR AS DARK AS NIGHT HER EYES WERE LIKE THAT OF A CAT IN THE DARK... SHE WAS A GYPSYWOMAN... she danced round and round... from the fire her face was all aglow... she was dancing... dancing... waiting for the RISING SUN... loving caring relationships are like THE RISING SUN...we are nourished by their warmth...we are energized by their strength...we grow in their light...we find shelter and solace there...they are our sanctuary... born in the sign of the sun, i am a true LEO-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do-i believe in instant chemistry charisma love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-i believe in the beauty of the moment-the whisper of yesterday-the hope of tomorrow-the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-the absolute and total beauty of love---[credit to brian hyland and curtis mayfield]

to dance with life

come dance with me...
Walt, one of my favorites. And what a stunning image!
oh, who can help but love whitman, for sure! he who held so much truth and beauty in his heart and hand, sharing with us! and this image! magnificent, isn't it - and perfect for the words i think, too - i remember a big old sweet gum tree in my grandmother's front yard - it had a big rope swing on one of its limbs and i could not tell you the large and melodious thoughts that descended upon me as i touched the sky in my swing on the old tree!!!
Who can help but unwind at the image that the words evoke? And the image you have chosen to accompany the image created with the words is more releasing yet.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words at my place, Jenean. You can't begin to imagine how soothing they were. I'm hoping to be back... soon... Thank you for keeping my homeland in your thoughts.
Every time I walk under trees something happens to my mindset. It is as if nothing really matters and my worries are taken away...
Lovely image, the green is so soothing...
how wonderful to hear from you nevine - and to know that you found some solace here, under these glorious trees - i wish so that there were more i could say or do in terms of your homeland - the land we all know and love in some way or other and relate to - i know that peace will return - it has to - take care, dear friend, and know that you and yours are in my thoughts - much love -
for me, too zuzana - trees - and the sun, especially - it is as if they are both magical protectors and healers and when under them both, i know that all is well in the world! thank you so much for coming by and taking a walk under these magnificent trees -
A perfect duo: the quote and the picture. Simply to walk amongst the trees is an uplifting privilege.
And the wv = pines!
hey mike! don't you love it when the wv's are so right on top of the comments/posts! love this one! pines!!! yes, there definitely is something about walking among the trees - for me, trees have always held such a magical spirit - humanlike - or perhaps, it's just that i'm still a child and see everything as magical! ;)
For some reason my comment didn't come through, so I shall repeat it and hope it doesn't print twice. I am reminded of the wondrous words by the young poet Joyce Kilmer, who left us at the age of only 32:
'I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
Against the earth's sweet flowing breasts.
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray.
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair.
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.'
It was one of the very first poems I learned as a child because my Mother played it on the piano. I live beside the ocean, yet only find peace and rest when I return to the forests. Thank you, Gypsy, for the beautiful picture and Whitman words. Such an invitation to walk among the nurturing Parents of Nature.
oh, dear cousin! and me, too! one of the very first poems i learned and could recite verbatim - magnificent, isn't it! and i love that you remembered it for here!
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