don’t know nothin’ ‘bout countin’ sheep
nbc cbs cnn news makin’
earth shakin’ humanity quakin’
images of chaos words of death
lovin’s like scenes from macbeth
sun flarin’ thoughts blarin’
skies cryin’ babies dyin’
moon phasin’ souls crazin’
global warmin’ bees not swarmin’
axis shiftin’ ozone missin’
movement and chaos life in kiosks
ice caps meltin’ where’s the smelting
mud slidin’ critters hidin’
runnin’ rivers of somebody’s homes
mountains of debris cry and moan
hunger and thirst make animals new
with only medicine for a few
big ball’s axis way off kilter
water now all on filter
breathin’ poison eatin’ chemicals
only salvation crystal skulls
dirty waters now a’ flood
filled with fishes crimson blood
mud slidin’ down the hills
just more folks gettin’ killed
big brother livin’ in all our homes
DNA done by phone
virtual livin’ no tactile givin’
communities neither heard or felt
all goin’ on in invisible belts
children raised in the streets
no happy memories for them to keep
electronic families all plugged in
now become our next of kin
digital this virtual that
whatever happened to a little chat
wars now seem ever’day norm
taking sons and daughters from the farm
nightmares screamed in black and white
dreamin’s rampant day and night
fatal flaws become animal claws
lions roar shore to shore
enemies within enemies without
bringin’ to their knees the most devout
cycles of consciousness
holy mother to confess
gods are feared
only hate seems near
thoughts transmit and transcend
warning all of the end
we think and our thoughts create
we design our own life’s fate
spirits take flight
nothin’ to fear nothin’ to fight
but then - then -
a flower blooms
and knows no doom
babies are born with a squeak and a smile
lettin’ us go another mile
a child gets fed and put to bed
nemo’s daddy searches for him
never mindin’ the tortuous swim
another day another way
brings a little hope
givin’ us light to better cope
and knows no doom
babies are born with a squeak and a smile
lettin’ us go another mile
a child gets fed and put to bed
nemo’s daddy searches for him
never mindin’ the tortuous swim
another day another way
brings a little hope
givin’ us light to better cope
lunar wings descendin the night
cradlin’ us soft
in their cozy light
sister sun warms our days
bodies meetin’ in the dance
it doesn’t take much
sister sun warms our days
wrappin’ us all in golden rays
a touch a glancebodies meetin’ in the dance
it doesn’t take much
it doesn’t take long
and life goes on
its arms of beauty spreadin’ up and out
and love survives without a doubt
its arms of beauty spreadin’ up and out
and love survives without a doubt
An awesome write, Ms. Gypsy! I hear you on the no sleep thing.
My grandson gave me a magnificent Calla Lily exactly like the one you have pictured for Mother's Day. I can't wait to plant it.
Love & Blessings,
Gorgeous. And I love the image. Weird what goes through your head when insomnia strikes, always in the darkest dark of the night.
Wow my dearest lady, this just superb... and so is your previous one.
Love survives, yes, in spite of it all.
divine words. well done.
Glad to discover your poetry talent,
Hope to see you join our poetry potluck today,
1 to 3 random poems or poems unrelated to our theme are welcome in case you fall short in doing a theme fitting piece.
Bless you.
Keep up the excellence.
love your blog..
hi marion! oh, what a wonderful gift - i LOVE calla lilies! love them - their form is so beautiful! you'll have to share photos as they grow along! ;) hugs - gypsy
you are so right about the weirdness floating through one's head in the middle of the night - and this was just the only thing i could print! ;) weird things! anyway, i do love the colors and shapes of this image - thanks so much for your comments!
welcome to my little corner, jingle poetry, and thank you for your kind words and the invite! i'll be over soon! thanks again and please come again!
hey lady dulce! had you on my mind and so glad to have you come by - you're right - when all else is said and done - when all else is gone - love survives - always! ;)
A light through the darkness...
Beautifully written and love the gorgeous floral image and design of this :) Lovely!
dear magic - and so absolutely lovely to have you over - my heart thanks you for such kind words! it pleases me so when others find even a bit of light and love here at the campfire! ;)
and i must tell you, that your world of visual taste is so magnificent as to leave me speechless! a wonderful site!
thanks so much and please come again soon!
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