if i look hard enough
do you think it possible
that i might find
my long lost lovin’ mind
lost to the
ravages of your
mysterious kind
if i look deep enough
and deeper still
might i find love
upon the hard flat sill
that borders the lifescape
of your worn weary heart
if i climb down and down
into the looking glass now
might i be then a
part of your life
a life so lost in the
echos of time
no longer true
nothing makes sense
just a piece of this
cold hard brass
if i look long enough
if i look deep enough
if i climb down enough
where would i be?
no longer
Clever twist!
'If' is a small word with very large possibilities. Me, being the dominant male that I am, prefer the word 'when' rather than 'if'.
But then, I'm not a man who is used to hearing the word 'no' very often either.
ah, not clever perhaps as much as the way i see it, alex! but i do thank you for the kind words - wonderful to have you come by - did i mention how much i love your new cover! dynamite!
touche, sir! - but please be assured that your words are taken to heart - yes, such large possibilities carried in that small unseemly word if - here, however, in this fantasy scenario, it is used only for illustrative poetic purposes -
neverneverland...no longer me. Haven't we all been there at one time or another?
so true, trish - and some remain - some remain still - but others - well, others hear the chirping of a bird outside their window of sadness and break free - casting off those strangling chains in the bright light of the sun - never returning to neverneverland - ever -
I like this very much---though, in truth, when I think of neverneverland I think of the film "Neverland" with Johnny Depp....BUT, I can divorce myself from that and get the depth of meaning of your words...!
but of course, naomi, but of course - THAT neverland - the one you can "visit anytime you like only by believing - just believe!"
however, the neverland of these words takes us to a different place - where, unlike depp's wonderland, in this neverland, in order to "leave" one must believe -
lovely to have you come by - and i'm headed back over to your place now - see you there!
Hello Gypsywoman! I have been reading your words for awhile, and thought I would emerge at last to comment, on this particular poem that struck such a chord with me. Reading your good words, and some comments above, and thinking it over, I will say that I delight in the small ifs, rather than the certainty of the whens, and a well-placed "no" can be a strange sweet promise...as in "not yet"...
I can get lost in the possibility of "if", but i'd much rather rejoice in "when"!
I always have such lovely imagery when I read your words.
so wonderful to have you emerge, as you say, leah, and to leave such a thoughtful comment - you are so right about the strange sweet promise of IF - a promise i find tantalizing myself - the lure of the tease of such a promise is more than a bit intriguing i confess - however, there is also something to be said for the when of it all, to me, as well - a little tasty food for thought, your comment, which i so appreciate - have a wonderful weekend and i do hope you'll emerge again soon here at the campfire!
hello there blazngscarlet - yes, certainly a lot to be said for both the thought - and the deed - it's only when the whole thing becomes a game that i must bow out - either something is - or it isn't - for me - know what i mean? that's my leo lioness talkin'! so glad to have you over and hope you'll come back soon - have a great weekend!
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