it’s all true you know
those things you hear
about him
about what it is
that he does
what it is
he really does
you know what i mean
those “things” that he does
with that stuff he has
the stuff you can’t get nowhere else
you know the stuff
that stuff his stuff
it’s all true you know
those things i hear
when he comes near
when he whispers in my ear
when he pulls out that little
indigo instrument of his
when he stirs up his magic mojo
stirs up all those crystalline dreams
stirs ‘em all up into crimson streams
ties ‘em together with corrugated strings
all them beautiful things
you know what i mean
you hear ‘em too
don’t you
yeah, i know you do
you hear ‘em too
you know what i mean
when he pulls out his little stash
THE stash
yeah, THAT stash
all that sweet sugary stuff
that ain’t none never enough
that makes us beg for more
that trips us to that other shore
the one where life ain’t so bad no more
or the one where life’s shut all the doors
it all depends on his stuff of the day
the stuff of come what may
the stuff of findin’ the way
the way into the heart of things
into the guts'a things
into the deep dark black'a things
the divil'a things
the burnin' hell'a things
into the truth'a things
the beauty'a things
the real'a things
the real deal things
the divil'a things
the burnin' hell'a things
into the truth'a things
the beauty'a things
the real'a things
the real deal things

those “things” that he does
your know the things
those things
that most of us
never even hear of
never know of
never deal
never feel
never fill
never will
never experience
even in the blackest night
let alone on a sunlit day
when life’s gone astray
has slapped us in the face
stingin’ our flesh like a squirt of mace
has robbed us deserted us
left us alone in the desert sands
without ev’n no layin’ on of hands
without no map no drink
sendin’ us straight over the brink
no shelter from the storms of life
leavin’ us in the midst of all that strife
when life has lost its everlovin’ mind
beatin’ us down and all our kind
but then just like the sunrisin’ on a misty morn’
like a breath'a fresh air
with all kinds’a love to spare
here he comes
yeah, here he comes
carryin’ his little magic wand
his magic mojo wand of indigo ink
danglin’ it in front of us
wavin’ it 'round
makin’ those marks of his
marks can’t no one else even compare
with all kinds’a love to spare
here he comes
yeah, here he comes
carryin’ his little magic wand
his magic mojo wand of indigo ink
danglin’ it in front of us
wavin’ it 'round
makin’ those marks of his
marks can’t no one else even compare
marks no one else would even dare
marks that take us round and round
makin’ us think we’re heaven bound
and just like pavlov’s dogs
there we go pantin’ and pawin’
salivatin’ motivatin’
whimperin’ whinin’
lappin’ up his stuff
all his stuff
lappin’ it all up off those virtual paper plates
sniffin’ snortin’ inhalin’ exhalin’
marks that take us round and round
makin’ us think we’re heaven bound
and just like pavlov’s dogs
there we go pantin’ and pawin’
salivatin’ motivatin’
whimperin’ whinin’
lappin’ up his stuff
all his stuff
lappin’ it all up off those virtual paper plates
sniffin’ snortin’ inhalin’ exhalin’
all of it
all his stuff
yeah, you know what I mean
that stuff
the stuff that ain’t never enough
the stuff of all them magnificent mystical tales
you know what i mean
that indigo ink stuff

every single drop every last drop
till there ain’t nothin’ no more
till all those words'a his
just slam shut the door
SLAM it shut
right straight shut
yeah, shut!
shut till the next time
you know what I mean
the time
yeah, that time
THE time
the NEXT time
when he next comes ‘round
makin’ us think we’re all heaven bound
givin’ us a fix on what is what can be
what should be
a fix on love an’ light
an’ all things right
slap through the day into the night
takin’ you to all them pearly heights
when he does his thing
you know the thing
that thing he does
with his stuff
that stuff that more ain’t never enough
that thing that he does
when he pulls out his magic pen
and it all begins
that thing he does
with his stuff
that stuff that more ain’t never enough
that thing that he does
when he pulls out his magic pen
and it all begins
with him...
and his magic mojo pen
for all’a us
yeah, you know who i mean
you know the ones - US
us - his junkies...
his WORD junkies
[to jimmy in glasgow]