the big day has come again and i've decided have a little get together to celebrate the day of my birth in this life - so please please come by and join the festivities on wednesday the 11th right after sundown - there will be plenty of food and drink and music and dancing and story-telling and more of all - and there will be a very special entertainment feature that you won't want to miss - so come one come all - and join the celebration round the campfire at the caravan - dining and wining and dancing under the stars til morning meets the sky! just follow the path through the woods toward the lake - you'll see the light of the campfires burning....see you here!!! oh, and no gifts, please - just your sweet presence!
we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - share our stories around the campfire - come along -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -

- A...WOMAN IN MOTION WITH HAIR AS DARK AS NIGHT HER EYES WERE LIKE THAT OF A CAT IN THE DARK... SHE WAS A GYPSYWOMAN... she danced round and round... from the fire her face was all aglow... she was dancing... dancing... waiting for the RISING SUN... loving caring relationships are like THE RISING SUN...we are nourished by their warmth...we are energized by their strength...we grow in their light...we find shelter and solace there...they are our sanctuary... born in the sign of the sun, i am a true LEO-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do-i believe in instant chemistry charisma love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-i believe in the beauty of the moment-the whisper of yesterday-the hope of tomorrow-the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-the absolute and total beauty of love---[credit to brian hyland and curtis mayfield]

to dance with life

come dance with me...
I will be celebrating with you in spirit. How fun! Celebrate!
So will I. Thinking of you as another year crowns you with its splendid and warmth.
Glad for this day as it has given you to this earth. Rejoice!
Joy and passion,
Oh your Birthday! How wonderful! I will definately gather round your fire any time...I am sure it will be a day to remember!!
Here I am - breakfast less - to wish you a Happy Birthday - along with My grand-daughter in Australia who is 18 today.
Have a great day and a happy healthy year.
I hope your day is filled with happiness and your night with wonderful excitement! ;) Finding my way to your gypsy camp might prove a difficult task so I will toast to you at sundown with red wine filled in my glass. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Woman!
And I wish you a great celebration with all your friends and family!
Raising a glass to you from Minneapolis, MN. :-)
Happy Birthday doll, love this blog as well and here is to raising my own glass of champagne to you dear lady.
Hugs & kiss ***
Wild Rose~
I would love to be there to help you celebrate -sounds delightful!
Happy Happy Birthday my friend!
I'm at the train station waiting to board. I have cake and party hats. Don't start without me!
Happy Birthday dear lady, and many many more to follow.
happy birthday, sugar! we'll raise a glass or 20 in y'alls honor tonight! xoxoxox
(map sent me!)
terri! wonderful to see you here again and thank you so much for the greetings! wish you could be here in person but spirit is splindid! and i'll save a piece of birthday cake for you!
what a wonderful gift of beautiful words, dear susan, for which i send you many many thanks - a big piece of birthday cake saved for you, as well! hugs -
marlene! how wonderful to have you come by tonite! be sure to wear your biggest brightest swirling skirt for dancing round the fire! :)
greetings, pat! so lovely of you to come by all the way from across the pond - i always enjoy your comments over at maps and elsewhere - and thank you so much for leaving one here! many many best birthday wishes to your leo granddaughter!!!
well, then, let the red wine flow, dear cole! the deeper red the better for me! thank you so much for the toast - please have another glass or two in celebration!
oh, thank you so very much, pliers! really wonderful to see you again and i thank you for coming all this way! please come again and often - thanks again!
welcome, pearl, and thanks ever so much for coming by all the way from minneapolis! i thank you for the kind words - have a great day there - and please come again soon!
dear rose! so sweet of you to drop by and especially for a champagne toast! divine! what could be better than bubbly for my birthday! thank you for that and for the always kind words, dear lady!
and deb, so thrilled that you came by and left such sweet words - i always enjoy our visits! thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!!
and dear savannah! how absolutely lovely of ya'll to come by my little 'ole campfire! thank you so much! and i do hope ya'll try for that 20 mark!
by the by, i cannot tell you how much i enjoy ya'll's little 'ole southern quips at map's and elsewhere here in blogland - i always smile when i hear ya'll's sweet southern drawl, suga', since i'm a true blue southern girl myself [louisiana]!
please do feel free to drop by again - sit and have a glass of mint iced tea!
and dear warden, my heart was heavy indeed thinking you might not make it at all, in light of your little indisposition regarding such affairs! but now, my heart sings knowing you shall soon be here on great silver wings! and that you are bringing confections, as well, oh my! see you at the station!
I'll be by after rob's yoga class. Can't wait. What to bring...hmmm...
just yourself, sweetie, just yourself!!! and rob's coming, too, right? hope so!!! see you all soon!
This sounds like the kind of birthday party I'd like to go to.
Thank you for inviting me.
greetings jimmy mcphee! well, wonderful of you to come to my little bday celebration! the more the merrier at this campfire! great to have you -
See one of my comments on your other blog. :-)
The Prophet
Sorry to have missed the celebration, Jenean. We just flew in yesterday. But it is better that I am late than if I had missed it altogether. Wishing you the best in the many years to come and hoping you will always have every dream you dream realized. Here is a toast to you... Clink! ;-)
Dear sweet Cousin, left you a birthday wish on the T&R blog yesterday but was with you in spirit, dancing and singing and having a blast last night. Tummy hurts today from all the dancing! :) Many many more, luv, and to heck with 2012!! We'll still be here to celebrate again on August 11, 2012! Agreed? YES!! cuz
dear prophet - i have searched but not found?
oh, dear nevine! there you are! wonderful to see you no matter when or where! many hugs for all your sweet wishes! thank you so much for coming so far just to give me wishes!!! ~hugs~
but of course, dahlink! an even bigger shindig for 2012, don't you think, dear cousin? wonderful to see you last night - you really showed out with all your flouncing around in your 5-layered skirts!!! :)
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