we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real - come along with me - we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - share our stories around the campfire - come along -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -
this site is simply a streamofconsciousness rambling of words and images in which i find meaning and beauty - there is no organized order of thought or format - poetry painting and writing on love and life and things thereof from the heart and through the eyes of a louisiana gypsy spirit travelin' roads less traveled...enjoy -

- A...WOMAN IN MOTION WITH HAIR AS DARK AS NIGHT HER EYES WERE LIKE THAT OF A CAT IN THE DARK... SHE WAS A GYPSYWOMAN... she danced round and round... from the fire her face was all aglow... she was dancing... dancing... waiting for the RISING SUN... loving caring relationships are like THE RISING SUN...we are nourished by their warmth...we are energized by their strength...we grow in their light...we find shelter and solace there...they are our sanctuary... born in the sign of the sun, i am a true LEO-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do-i believe in instant chemistry charisma love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-i believe in the beauty of the moment-the whisper of yesterday-the hope of tomorrow-the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-the absolute and total beauty of love---[credit to brian hyland and curtis mayfield]

to dance with life

come dance with me...
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
the phoenix revisited...
out of the burning embers
the mighty phoenix rose
all he’d done no one knows
even he does not remember
he spread his ancient wings
into the crimson sky
away from the streets did he fly
longing to hear the angels sing
dragging behind
the shadow of his soul
nothing now his to control
with the smell of burning flesh
his spirit now enmeshed
and from this life
he begged to part
to cleanse his anguished heart
of all his sins he did repent
only to find his time was spent
and to raise once more his mighty sword
against the maddening raging horde
of those he once called friend
who now were set to cause his end
it once was his across the land
he had the world at his command
but memories tainted by that crimson time
of life on streets when none was kind
the mighty phoenix rose
all he’d done no one knows
even he does not remember
he spread his ancient wings
into the crimson sky
away from the streets did he fly
longing to hear the angels sing
dragging behind
the shadow of his soul
nothing now his to control
with the smell of burning flesh
his spirit now enmeshed
and from this life
he begged to part
to cleanse his anguished heart
of all his sins he did repent
only to find his time was spent
and to raise once more his mighty sword
against the maddening raging horde
of those he once called friend
who now were set to cause his end
it once was his across the land
he had the world at his command
but memories tainted by that crimson time
of life on streets when none was kind
the sound of his tears crash to concrete
where black leather wraps his weary feet
tracks gouged in the flesh of his face
like a lonesome railroad crossing the landscape of his life
where might he go for a touch of grace?
a land without knife without sword without strife
and so it was that the bird took flight
choosing no longer to fight the fight
of waging chaos night after night
where black leather wraps his weary feet
tracks gouged in the flesh of his face
like a lonesome railroad crossing the landscape of his life
where might he go for a touch of grace?
a land without knife without sword without strife
and so it was that the bird took flight
choosing no longer to fight the fight
of waging chaos night after night
he flew through the valley of the darkened dead
charging his mighty wings ahead
and changed his ways of war
to those of heaven afar
and from his fall from grace
the phoenix prayed salvation wait
charging his mighty wings ahead
and changed his ways of war
to those of heaven afar
and from his fall from grace
the phoenix prayed salvation wait
and with this flight of righteousness
the holy gods upon him blessed
giving his spirit its needed rest
no longer on its violent quest
and in his stead
a righteous man a valiant man
before us now proudly stands
who of all sin now has shed
and to us proves each golden day
that love of life is our true stay
the only way
for this new man
who now before us stands
the valiant phoenix
giving his spirit its needed rest
no longer on its violent quest
and in his stead
a righteous man a valiant man
before us now proudly stands
who of all sin now has shed
and to us proves each golden day
that love of life is our true stay
the only way
for this new man
who now before us stands
the valiant phoenix
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
these bare walls...
bare walls
these bare walls
display now the fragments
of what was
the ribbons and colors of us
hanging dangling now in oblivion
as do we
brandishing about
our naked desires
exposing for us to see
the unseeable the invisible
the unthinkable
of life apart
each without the other
these barren walls
flaunt the fractures and fissures
of frigid reality
of my reality
our reality
these bare walls
display now the fragments
of what was
the ribbons and colors of us
hanging dangling now in oblivion
as do we
brandishing about
our naked desires
exposing for us to see
the unseeable the invisible
the unthinkable
of life apart
each without the other
these barren walls
flaunt the fractures and fissures
of frigid reality
of my reality
our reality
these walls bare
my soul my spirit
my love my lust
your lust love
uncontrollable craving
carving striping away the shroud
of make believe
of what we wanted needed
of what could be
what we would be should be
leaving open and crusted now
my bleeding heart
bleeding weeping seeping
through the cracks and crevices
of life without color
without substance
life without you without us
without love
life without living
my soul my spirit
my love my lust
your lust love
uncontrollable craving
carving striping away the shroud
of make believe
of what we wanted needed
of what could be
what we would be should be
leaving open and crusted now
my bleeding heart
bleeding weeping seeping
through the cracks and crevices
of life without color
without substance
life without you without us
without love
life without living
these walls bear
the crucifix of love defied
enduring all for love alone
these walls suffer
my sins your sins our sins
bearing the weight
of what we wanted what we took
in greed and gluttony
as if our shallow skeletons
would shatter without the oasis of us
these walls also bear
love defined love sublime
love in this life unlived unfulfilled
abiding the transcripts of time and place
bearing me bearing you into us
carrying into the next life
holding and carrying gently
love into that existence
bearing us both
until that morrow
when these walls
will no longer be
the crucifix of love defied
enduring all for love alone
these walls suffer
my sins your sins our sins
bearing the weight
of what we wanted what we took
in greed and gluttony
as if our shallow skeletons
would shatter without the oasis of us
these walls also bear
love defined love sublime
love in this life unlived unfulfilled
abiding the transcripts of time and place
bearing me bearing you into us
carrying into the next life
holding and carrying gently
love into that existence
bearing us both
until that morrow
when these walls
will no longer be
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
do not think it so...
do not think me oh so sad
do not believe it was all bad
no - do not think me so
for i have been where few may go
i have touched the pure white snow
i have seen the mountain’s glow
do not think me satan-sent
do not believe that i repent
and i have been where few can dare
to shed their life’s blights and cares
i have touched love’s heavenly gates
i have felt the hands of eros quake
where love’s grace did on me bestow
like luscious absinthe spread below
do not think me oh so sad
do not believe it was all bad
i have touched love’s heavenly facade
i have walked where angels trod
i have been loved true
i may now live anew
Monday, August 22, 2011
the gypsy and the ghost...
he was but a ghost now
a spirit
a spirit
without color without life
a revenant returning now and then
to that misty chamber in her heart
to remind her that she too
had once been alive
had once been
more than a mere apparition
without color without life
without love
but that
to that misty chamber in her heart
to remind her that she too
had once been alive
had once been
more than a mere apparition
without color without life
without love
but that
with his absence
she now like him
was but a
Saturday, August 20, 2011
brownskin woman...
brownskin woman, you my kin?
dancin’ round in mortal sin
dancin’ round in mortal sin
swirlin’ to the strings of a mando’lin
rustlin’ skirts blowin’ in tha wind
hair put up with them fancy pins
arms flyin’ high from tha spirit within
men settin’ round swiggin’ on gin
bettin’ on who’s gonna win
don’t care when the night’s gonna end
all gonna stay at the caravan inn
so ya’ll come on- let the fun begin
rustlin’ skirts blowin’ in tha wind
hair put up with them fancy pins
arms flyin’ high from tha spirit within
men settin’ round swiggin’ on gin
bettin’ on who’s gonna win
don’t care when the night’s gonna end
all gonna stay at the caravan inn
so ya’ll come on- let the fun begin
brownskin woman, you my kin?
image helen sawyer,
kindred spirits,
Friday, August 19, 2011
shades of red...
image creator unknown,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
awaiting me
twas not the hidden
beast beneath the sea
that frightened me
twas not the hidden
beast beneath the sea
that frightened me
did you think
i did not feel
the shackles
pulling me apart
ripping open
to my heart
twas not these chains
which bound me so
that frightened me
don't you see?
it was the thought
what if my love
were all for
i did not feel
the shackles
pulling me apart
ripping open
to my heart
twas not these chains
which bound me so
that frightened me
don't you see?
it was the thought
what if my love
were all for
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
pieces of me...
pieces of me
left behind
wonderin’ now
who’s gonna find
left behind
wonderin’ now
who’s gonna find
strewn ‘long the highways
and byways of yesterdays
pieces of me
to set free
wonderin’ now
if that’ll ever be
kept under wraps way too long
never singin’ a purty song
to set free
wonderin’ now
if that’ll ever be
kept under wraps way too long
never singin’ a purty song
pieces of me
still inside
wonderin’ now
if they’ll hide
in that deep dark abyss
or do they even exist
still inside
wonderin’ now
if they’ll hide
in that deep dark abyss
or do they even exist
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
and you will...
and i will raise up my arms high into the skies
to reach across the waters deep
and touch upon your love so sweet
and i will raise up my voice high into the skiesto reach across the waters deep
and touch upon your love so sweet
to reach across the mountains’ peaks
and speak in shades of sonnets sweet
and i will raise up my eyes high into the skies
to reach across the heavens blue
and gaze upon the man of you
and i will raise up my soul high into the skies
to reach across the gold sunrise
and soar with you as eagles fly
and you will
and you will
and you will
and you will
and you will
you will
you will
Monday, August 15, 2011
the shores...
i stood upon that rocky shore
wanting needing more and more
but all the gods foretold
of love adrift out in the cold
wanting needing more and more
but all the gods foretold
of love adrift out in the cold
i stood upon those rocks of yore
and to the gods i did implore
just one small sign on which to hold
to dare to think to be so bold
and to the gods i did implore
just one small sign on which to hold
to dare to think to be so bold
i stood upon that rocky shore
and saw what i could not ignore
for there in storm tossed waters did unfold
the shipwrecked image of love extolled
i stood upon those rocks of yore
sufferin', loving upon your shores
sufferin', loving upon your shores
- so sorry, comment moderation temporarily in place -
image by waterhouse,
lost love,
reposted from original 2009,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
IS IT - my poem set to music! thank you kate!
my heart thanks you
is it her name
you cry in
silent screams
in your lifeless dreams
her scent
that gives you flight
on crimson wings in the night
is it her laughter
that fills the bottomless hole
dug deep within your poor lost soul
her flesh
that burns now your own
through layered shreds of crystal bone
is it her soul
that wraps you gently in the bleak black blue
left behind by an anguished adieu
her spirit
that holds in love the charred remains
of life’s last embers within your veins
is it
is it hers
[post dated august 10, 2011]
Saturday, August 13, 2011
on nights of golden moon...
the road may call your name
but i still whisper it
on nights of golden moon
i keep it in my box
of things that mean the most
and take it out at times
but i still whisper it
on nights of golden moon
i keep it in my box
of things that mean the most
and take it out at times
to hold it to my lips
to savor it once more
as if each time the last
and in my heart i sing
loves sweetest song to you
the one that calls your name
to savor it once more
as if each time the last
and in my heart i sing
loves sweetest song to you
the one that calls your name
so i can whisper it
on nights of golden moon
on nights of golden moon
so i can whisper it
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
the big day has come again and it's time for a little get together to celebrate - everything is ready for you - so come on by and join the festivities tonight right after sundown - there will be plenty of food and drink and music and dancing, fortune-telling and story-telling and more -
our dear friend mapstew has generously agreed to honor us with his wonderful lyrics and a very special homemade brew - and i hear through the grapevine that his bestest pal is bringing his own special dish - something with peaches and cream - or melons -
i've set up several little guests wagons for those not wishin' to mix festivities and driving - so come and plan to stay a while - dinin' and winein' and dancin' under the stars til mornin' meets the sky!
you'll see the light of the campfires burning -
- and they burn just for you -
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
is it...
is it her name
you cry in
silent screams
in your lifeless dreams
her scent
that gives you flight
on crimson wings in the night
is it her laughter
that fills the bottomless hole
dug deep within your poor lost soul
you cry in
silent screams
in your lifeless dreams
her scent
that gives you flight
on crimson wings in the night
is it her laughter
that fills the bottomless hole
dug deep within your poor lost soul
her flesh
that burns now your own
through layered shreds of crystal bone
is it her soul
that wraps you gently in the bleak black blue
left behind by an anguished adieu
her spirit
that holds in love the charred remains
of life’s last embers within your veins
is it
is it hers
that burns now your own
through layered shreds of crystal bone
is it her soul
that wraps you gently in the bleak black blue
left behind by an anguished adieu
her spirit
that holds in love the charred remains
of life’s last embers within your veins
is it
is it hers
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
in homage to "invisible memories"...
things kept
things covered up
keeping things
one of a kind
trinkets of time
trinkets of mine
now just a shrine
once tucked away
not to be seen by the light of day
things i kept
as i wept
things covered up
keeping things
one of a kind
trinkets of time
trinkets of mine
now just a shrine
once tucked away
not to be seen by the light of day
things i kept
as i wept
pieces of mine
pieces of time
threadbare thoughts
kept for naught
a ring of love left unworn
lives apart shredded and torn
a string of words left unsaid
love unlived left for dead
a strand of memory left unfilled
might as well have all been killed
things i keep
while i still weep
these are the keeping things
things covered up
pieces of time
threadbare thoughts
kept for naught
a ring of love left unworn
lives apart shredded and torn
a string of words left unsaid
love unlived left for dead
a strand of memory left unfilled
might as well have all been killed
things i keep
while i still weep
these are the keeping things
things covered up
for my heart’s sake...
- a friend recently wrote so beautifully and hauntingly of invisible memories at his post paint it black -
his memories remind me of my own
about which i wrote last year and re-post here
in homage to all those invisible memories
of us all
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
silent words...
i cannot say aloud the words
that fill my heart
yet rip my soul apart
i cannot say aloud the words
that if i said
would leave us both dissolved instead
i cannot speak
in voices heard my love for you
yet in my silent screams i do
i cannot speak
of life within our stolen time
for we both know you are not mine
that fill my heart
yet rip my soul apart
i cannot say aloud the words
that if i said
would leave us both dissolved instead
i cannot speak
in voices heard my love for you
yet in my silent screams i do
i cannot speak
of life within our stolen time
for we both know you are not mine
Friday, August 5, 2011
the holy trine...
they come
they come
their hearts upon the drum
they come from another place
another time
their hearts upon the drum
they come from another place
another time
from the dark recesses
of our mind
and soar on wings unseen
the tribal elders to convene
the tribal elders to convene
they speak in
voices still
voices still
to the lion upon the throne
and from their kingdom come
the will of them be done
by the gods’ design
of the holy trine
to the lion upon the throne
and from their kingdom come
the will of them be done
by the gods’ design
of the holy trine
the human to extol
and have our souls made whole
so we must now our sins atone
and in the end we’ll be shown
the way to die without death
and breathe again another breath
they come
their hearts upon the drum
they come
and have our souls made whole
so we must now our sins atone
and in the end we’ll be shown
the way to die without death
and breathe again another breath
they come
their hearts upon the drum
they come
Thursday, August 4, 2011

if i look hard enough
do you think it possible
that i might find
my long lost lovin’ mind
lost to the
ravages of your
mysterious kind
if i look deep enough
and deeper still
might i find love
upon the hard flat sill
that borders the lifescape
of your worn weary heart
if i climb down and down
into the looking glass now
might i be then a
part of your life
a life so lost in the
echos of time
no longer true
nothing makes sense
just a piece of this
cold hard brass
if i look long enough
if i look deep enough
if i climb down enough
where would i be?
no longer
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
sometimes in my sleepless dreams
i clutch at you then lose my grip
and wonder where it is
your heart has skipped
somewhere in my sleepless dreams
sometimes in my sleeping life
i look at you then lose my sight
and wonder why it is
your heart has taken flight
somewhere in my sleeping life
and sometimes in the me of me
i think of you then drop the key
and wonder where it fell
our love now gone to hell
somewhere in the me of me
at you
at you
of you
i clutch at you then lose my grip
and wonder where it is
your heart has skipped
somewhere in my sleepless dreams
sometimes in my sleeping life
i look at you then lose my sight
and wonder why it is
your heart has taken flight
somewhere in my sleeping life
and sometimes in the me of me
i think of you then drop the key
and wonder where it fell
our love now gone to hell
somewhere in the me of me
at you
at you
of you
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